Paranormal Paranoids N01R^+ ( aka NOIR)

No one is exactly sure who or what Noir is. They tweet cryptic and creepy tweets to Jess on Twitter. Noir has frequently shared videos of the Paranormal Paranoids that it seems would be hard to have access to. Noir does seem to be obsessed with Riley by their many “love” comments.


Noir’s Name

Since N01R^+’s name is a little strange, most people simply call them Noir.

What does their name mean exactly?

^ – to the power of?
+ – Plus, Cross?

Noir on Twitter

Noir’s Background on Twitter

The background on Noir’s Twitter profile is a little strange. Several people have attempted to figure out what it might mean.

Thoughts on Paranormal Paranoids Noir

Everyone has a different theory on who Noir might be. Some of the more popular ones are:

  • Laura
  • Mia
  • Riley
  • David
  • Peter
  • Robert
  • Jess


As you can see pretty much everyone involved in the story is considered a possible suspect for Noir’s identity.

It doesn’t stop there though. Many feel Noir is some kind of serial killer or evil entity that enjoys torturing Jess in her search for the Paranormal Paranoids. There is really no way to tell and we can only speculate on who the possible identity of Noir is at this time. That’s part of the fun though, so who do you think Noir is? Let’s see if there is anything else that we can figure out about Noir.

What DO we know about Noir?

Well, we can tell that Noir has access to video and intimate details that they should not.

How are they able to get the surveillance video from a gas station. How are they getting the clip of Riley drawing and Mia walking in? Most importantly, how did they get the clip of Riley’s Last Message! Whoever Noir is, it sure seems like they are directly involved.

They also frequently commenting on how great Riley is. “I’m also a fan of Riley. She has really nice hair.”, “She noticed. She remembers”, “I love her drawings”, “Riley is always genuine. That’s what I love about her.”, “I love her voice”… are the key tweets they put out.

It’s pretty clear that they are indeed a pretty big fan of Riley’s as they said they were.

It should also be noted that they tweeted “why would she be dead” in response to Riley being dead by someone. They also mentioned they possessed the drawing she made.

Who is Noir Really?

Much like a Scooby-Doo mask reveal it’s kind of hard to say who Noir will be. They are being very very cryptic about everything. Based on a few of the comments above it seems the Noir has a bit of a creepy stalker vibe going on. So many creepy stalker vibes!

Based on that it plays into the David is obsessed theory. He could have stalked Riley for years. It also is why he has access to some of the tapes. The downside of this is that it doesn’t explain why he too is also missing on the missing poster.

Mia is also another strong example. She could just be talking about her sister that she cares about and loves. This is also how she could have access to the tapes.

My final guess is that it is someone we don’t know yet. A 3rd party evil force or stalker of Riley. Perhaps for years.

The overall point is like so many things with the Paranormal Paranoids, we don’t really know yet. None of the theories perfectly add up and make sense yet with the information that we currently have. Who do you think Noir is?



About This Site

Not too long ago we fell into the mystery of The Paranormal Paranoids. We wanted to create a central spot to get together with other fans to organize information and theories.

*This site is not a character or affiliated officially in any way with the series. We are simply fans.*

Here are links to important things...
Jess The Paranoid's Twitter
N01R^+'s Twitter
Jess The Paranoid's Youtube
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