Paranormal Paranoids Locations

In this post, we will go over the “real world” locations found in the Paranormal Parnaoids videos. Are there clues at the Paranormal Paranoids Locations? possible things to solve? Let us explore and find out what we can learn!


Prision Episode – Prison – Ohio State Reformatory Haunted?

In the episode Paranormal Paranoids – Prison Episode, The Paranormal Paranoids set off to visit a haunted prison.

This location is actually the Ohio State Reformatory

It is also referred to as the Mansfield Reformatory. It is no longer in use as a prison since 1990. It is still open to tourists 4 days a week from Spring (April) to Fall (September). As well as occasionally in the winter and holiday tours but it is basically an abandoned prison. It IS said to be truly haunted because many people have died there.

The Location of Many Movies….

The Ohio State Reformatory is where The Shawshank Redemption was filmed. It also is home to a Music and Tatoo Festival called INKcarceration Music & Tattoo Festival.  Mr Beast also did a video at this location titled “24 Hours in the Most Haunted Place on Earth”. So you might have actually seen this location a few times before and not known it!

Paranormal Paranoids Prison Images

Here are some of the best images that show that the Paranormal Paranoids was filmed at this location in Ohio. It definitely looks creepy. I don’t want to spend the night there.

Is The Ohio State Reformatory Really Haunted?

There are actually several locations that are highlighted on a ghost tour you can take of the location. These locations in the prison are known to have spooky things happen to people there who visit like being grabbed, hearing noises, shadows, and other strange events.

1) Solitary Confinement (aka: The Hole)


2) Chapel

You can see some pictures of the chapel above.

3) Admin Basement

The places where the bosses use to work? Sure.

4) Third Floor, Middle Admin

More boss locations.

5) Cell Blocks (East and West)

Obviously where the prisoners lived, breathed, and died would be haunted.

6) SubBasement

How about some more basement.

7) West Attic

If not the basement, well how about a scary dark attic?

8) East Wing- 1st floor (Toilet Room and East Showers)

Lots of deaths happened in this location because it wasn’t constantly guarded.

Thoughts on Prison Location

The Ohio State Reformatory. What a spooky location! This episode of Paranormal Paranoids is rather creepy with the scenes with Riley’s cold breath and the back story of things that have taken place in the prison. We hope to perhaps see more from the prison in future episodes of the Paranormal Paranoids.

On Jun 16, 2021 Noir Tweeted Have you seen them? @jesstheparanoid

Chippewa Lake Park – Shed Missing Poster

This is yet another creepy and mysterious tweet from Noir that has no context. We do not know where this location is yet or why it seems to be showing a missing poster. All we can see is that there is some kind of abandoned building and a shed. Noir also tweeted the cryptic blurry photo of their last names. So it adds an extra puzzle to the whole mix.

The Hunt Begins….Where is this location?

This allowed some creative internet sleuths to examine the background of the image and then to look through various abandoned locations in Ohio. One of which was Chippewa Lake Park.

You can see the exchange here.


The location they thought would be the Chippewa Lake Park… and it sure looked like it was!

Chippewa Lake Park

This place is an abandoned theme park once located in Chippewa Lake, Ohio. After the park’s closure, its rides and structures were left largely untouched and unmaintained for over 35 years. The place looks truly creepy and haunted!

A Local Goes Hunting to Chippewa Lake Park

So Twitter user @RbrtHlms lives in Ohio and decided to do a day trip there to see what he could find. Surprise! He found the actual flyers! Here are his Tweets.

Really cool development to see something come into the “real world” that was previously only online!

The Missing Poster is Found

Here is a picture of the flyer up close.

As you can see it is the same as the picture we saw above but not blurry. It includes the Paranormal Paranoids’ last names! This is new information that we did not have before.

The Shelby Oaks Police Department

On the flyer were not only the Paranormal Paranoids’ last names, but it also had a phone number and voice mail where you could leave more information. @RbrtHlms then called that number and made a YouTube recording of it that you can watch and listen to here.

You can call the number and leave a voicemail if you want too 🙂

It sure sounds like the sounds of coyotes or wolves or dogs barking in the last of Riley’s Last Message are also barking in the background of the Police Department Voicemail recording. Is this more proof of the werewolf theory?

We are not exactly sure how this plays into the whole story but an exciting development!

Jess is currently on her way to Ohio so perhaps we can get some more information when she arrives.

Gas Station In Hell Town

The location of the gas station security footage is M D Garage in Boston, Ohio. 

What do we know about this gas station?

Marjan Dzerzynski built M. D. Garage in 1946. The National Park Service reconstructed the structure, which included historical signage and gas pumps. The Cuyahoga Valley National Park has used the structure in recent years to display works of art by local artists.

Final Thoughts about Locations

As you can see the Paranormal Paranoids is filmed at various locations around Ohio. Some of these are classic Ohio landmarks and places most people would not see if the series didn’t highlight them. I wonder what other locations we will find as the series continues to progress.

About This Site

Not too long ago we fell into the mystery of The Paranormal Paranoids. We wanted to create a central spot to get together with other fans to organize information and theories.

*This site is not a character or affiliated officially in any way with the series. We are simply fans.*

Here are links to important things...
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Luis Abbadie
2 years ago

You know, if the coyotes from Rilry’s Last Message are heard in the “Police Department’s “voicemail, i think it’s likely that those posters weren’t placed by the police but by the killers, as a means to locate one or more of the Paranormal Paranoids’ members who maybe escaped them!

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