Paranormal Paranoids – Riley and Peter talk about Shelby Oaks


Synopsis of Paranormal Paranoids – Riley and Peter talk about Shelby Oaks

Peter sets up a camera to film Riley. She states she doesn’t want to be filmed and Peter says “it’s fine”. He says she is hesitant about the Shelby Oaks thing. She says weird things are happening and she would like to take a break.

Important Timestamps

3:54 she talks about night terrors. Felt like she was trapped.

4:42 stuff might be attracted to me I could hurt you guys. If stuff keeps happening

Thoughts on Riley and Peter talk about Shelby Oaks

Oof. This is the video where we see some strange behavior from Peter towards Riley. The clip starts off with Riley asking what are you doing, and Peter going “DON’T WORRY ABOUT THAT IT’S FINE”. Classical gaslighting behavior. Riley didn’t seem to be fine with this yet Peter brushes it off without concern. Why is he filming this private conversation with Riley?

Riley mentions a few things about the night terrors she used to have about being trapped. She also expresses that things are drawn to her and that perhaps it could hurt the rest of the team.

We also still have no idea what Shelby Oaks is beyond the title of the upcoming movie.


00:00 Riley Uh, What are you doing?
00:12 Peter Don’t worry about that it’s fine uh I wanted to talk to you a little bit uh, I know you were a little hesitant about the whole shelby oaks thing
00:25 Riley Yeah
00:26 Peter I just want to know why
because weird stuff is happening weird
stuff is
yeah i mean yeah which is great right
like we’ve captured a lot of stuff a lot of new stuff we’re starting to get a following right now
i just i think that things are getting a little too weird
weird how
i mean the school and mary Talbert there’s too much right now that i think we, I should take a little break
okay why did you get in on this what is this
no no it’s not an interrogation
i just want to know like why did you decide to do this like be a paranormal activity investigator like why did you want to do this. I mean why did you want to do this
well because i’m passionate about it because it’s what we love to i mean we’ve been wanting to do this since we were literally kids yeah it’s fun
right i mean like it’s a lot of fun and if we if we abort ship if we if we just fight or flight if we if we get away from all of this right when it gets uncomfortable when we’re potentially on the verge of
discovering something then what’s then what’s the point anymore then we’ve wasted our time up to this discovering what is unknown
the unknown should be left to be unknown
yes but then why did you get in on this in the first place if our whole uh concept if our whole idea was was to discover the unknown and andand and you when you get like just a
little bit uncomfortable like you you don’t want to move forward on this that we’ve wasted the pastmonths in our following we can’t take a break right now we’ll lose we’ll lose subscribers we’ll lose
viewers people are going to lose interest people think we’re frauds
you know and we’re not we’re not we’ve seen some really cool things and peopleother people aren’t doing what we’re doing
other people aren’t and you know why
it’s because we’re the only people who are brave enough to take it to the next level
we can i still can’t do that
rightly you lead us you are the reason you’re the reason people watch this show people love you i mean
what why i mean
why is it is it your sister is just kidding too is mia talking about this
no no mia has just been supportive this whole time
okay all of it but so it’s it’s coming through i know you’ve been getting weird feelings and like and i understand that and like i feel scared too
no we all feel scared but like that’s the point peter you don’t get it you don’t get it there’s been what they’re going to get
just explain
um okay you really want to know
i don’t know just did i ever tell you about the night terrors i used to have
i think a little bit
i don’t know it was awful i just every dream just felt like i was like i was trapped and i i think maybe feel things, in a way, other people don’t i think okay, stuff might be
attracted to me and that’s why we’re capturing things
i think i could hurt you guys if if stuff keeps you know
do you think you for foresee these things like do you see these
i mean it sounds so silly and i just i don’t know
it’s not it’s it’s not it’s not silly but but then then you have a gift you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing
no no no you’re not listening it could hurt us it could really not be good
it hasn’t hurt us think about it if this if it’s true that these things are really attracted to you if you  if then then then what are you going to do with it
are you going to run away with it or are you going to confront it
you got to confront your fears you have to confront your fears
it’s not fear of spiders peter it’s not like oh i’m scared of the dark let’s put me in a dark room this is like well
if things are all like these things are really attracted to you then why not catch it on camera why not show it to the world  why not it’s gonna happen regardless
wait i mean not necessarily you said you have the nightmares you say you you experience weird things all the time
but to go out searching for it i don’t know just to go out to like
but think about this is what you love
i know you i know that this is all you talk about
it is it is i mean think it’s it’s it’s childlike in a way that we’re but it’s it’s you get a high from it that you can’t find that in something else
you know i think you high is a little different than my high Peter
well that may be but i mean i just think we’re so far we are so far right now to breaking through to getting to making a living out of discovering something extraordinary that we can bring to people
we can bring to people the unreal the extraordinary make them see  the things that they’re closed off of that’s what that’s called purpose
yes i mean i know it sounds stupid or cheesy but i mean that’s called purpose
you know that’s the reason why i really think that that is the reason why we were put on this earth
ghost hunting
yeah i mean look at what we’ve captured… look at what we’ve captured people think we’re frauds because no one else has captured on camera the things that we’ve discovered like this this is
we have something special going for us here and if we just stop right now if we just waste all we’ve done so far
that’s not why are we here
what i mean what’s the grand finale like what do you want more than what we’ve captured
i’m just saying i want a little break
What else are you going to do…. i’m serious
what else are you going to do
you’re going to take a break and you’re going to do what are you going to golf?
you don’t golf
Riley – are you going to golf
no I mean I don’t.  I’ve never been golfing
we could go
come on come on

Final Thoughts on Riley and Peter talk about Shelby Oaks

There is a pretty length conversation of Riley expressing she is concerned about the things that have been happening and Peter saying YES GREAT MORE PARANORMAL THINGS. He pressures her, pushes her, and doesn’t back down. It is pretty clear Peter sees big dollar signs from the experiences they have been having, even at Riley’s expense. Riley and Peter talk about Shelby Oaks is a pretty detailed experience on the mind of Peter, and unfortunately, they do not talk a whole lot about Shelby Oaks.

This is why many feel that Peter has sold Riley out because of the actions in this video where he shows no concern for his supposed friend.


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Not too long ago we fell into the mystery of The Paranormal Paranoids. We wanted to create a central spot to get together with other fans to organize information and theories.

*This site is not a character or affiliated officially in any way with the series. We are simply fans.*

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