Paranormal Paranoids – Gas Station Security Camera Footage


Synopsis of Paranormal Paranoids – Gas Station Security Camera Footage

Gas Station Security Camera Footage is the fourth video N01R^+ sent to JesstheParanoid.

We see a very brief clip of some footage of what looks like the three members of the  Paranormal Paranoids minus Riley at a gas station. Came from Noir on Twitter. The title says it is Gas station Security Footage.  It kind of looks rainy on the film so everything is a little blurry.


[00:00:00] Footage from an elevated angle depicts what looks to be David, Peter, and Laura at a gas station. The camera looks to be wet with rain. 

[00:00:10] End Footage


The real-life location of the gas station is M D Garage in Boston, Ohio. This is a historical landmark. This city location is also referred to as “Helltown” which Riley mentions in a later video clip. The group was going to visit Helltown after they visited Shelby Oaks according to a later Vlog by Riley. We have not seen clips of either Helltown or Shelby Oaks as far as we know. 

Enhanced Images

Close up of what looks to be Peter, David, Laura at a gas station in that order. Do you think it is them?

It looks like Peter on the left, David in the middle, and Laura on the right side. It seems they are wearing clothes we see in the prison video. We don’t see David in the prison video so we don’t really know. You can sort of tell it is the same time as the prison video because Peter has similar facial hair and clothes. Laura is definitely wearing the same thing as the prison video. You can see what they were wearing in the prison clip here. Do you think they look the same? 

Thoughts on Gas Station Security Camera Footage

This is an extremely short clip. Only a few seconds but it still gives us a lot of information if we look at everything that is going on.  Why only 3 people? What time did this take place? Who is filming? Is it a security camera with no timestamp? 

I personally don’t think this last point matters too much. The title tells us is it supposed to be Gas Station Security Camera Footage, so I am assuming that it is. Riley is not a part of this. So she is either in the car and not visible or she is not with the group. This plays into the pranked idea, or that something has already happened to her. We do not know when this clip happens. We also do not know how Noir has access to this footage.

It could be said that normally after a person goes missing the police will investigate “last seen camera footage” and release this to the public to help track the individuals down. My guess is that is what is happening here. After the group went missing they released this footage so we could see their “final moments”.

Based on the clothes they are wearing in the video it seems like it happens at the same time as the prison video filming. They seem to be wearing the same clothes. Is this related or not? Does Laura just like to wear the same clothes?

The no head shake by “Peter” also seems like whatever is going on, that it is not a pleasant conversation. None of them look particularly happy or excited.

Of course, we may just be reading a heck of a lot into a few-second clip and Riley is simply in the bathroom on the way back from the prison. What do you think?

About This Site

Not too long ago we fell into the mystery of The Paranormal Paranoids. We wanted to create a central spot to get together with other fans to organize information and theories.

*This site is not a character or affiliated officially in any way with the series. We are simply fans.*

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